How to wear Plus Size Printed Pants

How to wear plus size printed pants.

casual plus size blogger Sherry Aikens

I love these pants they are super fun to wear, flowing and free.  I purchased them last season on ebay, they were like $19.99.   My favorite thing to wear with these fun pattern pants is this large over size shirt.  This black shirt is from JJill last season.  I love black and white  it is a no brainier and since most plus size brands make everything in black,  you can always find something to go together in your wardrobe.

How to wear printed pant:

  1. Make sure they fit, length, and width.. they should not be tight.
  2. Make sure the print is fun and busy.
  3. Fabric weight is not too thin, if be sure to refer to step 4 and 6
  4. Wear a long shirt, so cover any areas, that might be tight.
  5. Try a large flowing pant as a large women they can make you legs look thinner.
  6. Wear with a heel,  height always make you look more statuesque.
  7. Wear proper underwear, so you don’t see them through the print.
  8. Tip:  If you do buy a pair on a deal site make sure you by larger.. they are usually cut small.

casual plus size blogger Sherry Aikens

The Necklace is a Premiere and plain silver hoops,  I wore black shoes wedges and a silver Purse.

I wore my plus size printed pants to a Tequila Dinner at Cantina Laredo in KOP. I was very happy for the stretchy pants for the event because is was a yummy evening. It you have not been to a Cantina Laredo and you like up scale Mexican  I can highly recommend it.   Check out the Pulled pork and Mango Salad Yummy.

cantina laredo kop app

cantina laredo

casual plus size blogger Sherry Aikens

Do you have a pair of pattern pants.. I would love to see them?  If you want to be featured on drop me a line!

Have a great week!


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